1. Don't know why____,there's no sun up in the sky___,
2 Life is bare___,gloom and misery every-where_,
3. Can't go on____, ev - ery - thing I had is gone__,
1. Stormy wea - ther____, since my man and I ain't to - ge - ther_____.
2. Stormy wea - ther____, just can't get my poor self to-ge - ther_____.
3. Stormy wea - ther____, since my man and I ain't to - ge - ther_____.
1. Keeps raining all___ the time____, (go to verse 2)
2. I'm weary all___ the time____, (C-Fdim-C go to Bridge)
3. (go to final *ending) * Keeps raining all___ the__ time___.
When you went away__, the blues walked in and met me
If he stays away__, ol' rocking chair will get me
All I do is pray__, the Lord above will let me walk in the sun once more