When I get old - er los-ing my hair, Ma-ny years from now,
I could be han - dy men - ding a fuse When your lights have gone.
Send me a post - card, drop me a line, Stat - ing point of view.
Will you still be send-ing me a va-len - tine Birth - day gree - tings bot-tle of wine?
You can knit a sweat-er by the fi-re - side Sun - day mor - nings go for a ride.
In-di-cate pre-cise-ly what you mean to say Yours sin - cere - ly, Was-ting A - way.
If I'd been out till quar-ter to three Would you lock the door,
Do-ing the gar-den, dig-ging the weeds, Who could ask for more?
Give me your ans - wer, fill in a form Mine for ev - er more
Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When I'm sixty - four ?
Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When I'm sixty - four ?
Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When I'm sixty - four ?
ev'ry sum-mer we can rent a cot-tage in the isle of White if it's not too dear
You'll be ol - der too, (ah ah ah ah ah)
We shall scrimp and save
And if you say the word,
Grand child-ren on your knee
I could stay with you.
Ve - ra, Chuck, and Dave
Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When I'm sixty - four ?