
He Has Promised

I’m no good, I’m barely hanging in there.

If I was on my own,

I’d be a broken record,

For the promises I’ve broke.

Can’t trust myself, Can’t trust no one else,

But I know someone who can,

He made a promise, and you can trust it,

He’d love His own until the very end.

He has promised not to leave or forsake us

Cast out or abandon us, no matter what comes,

You can trust Him. He is faithful Who promised,

Strong enough to carry us,

To be with Him eternally.

When we are faithless, He is faithful still,

He can't deny himself,

Crucified, and risen to redeem us,

He paid the price Himself.

Nothing left to do, nothing I can prove,

And I am in His hands.

And since He saved me, I know He'll keep me,

There's nothing separating me and Him.

Paid in full, a contract signed in bloodshed,

No greater love or price.

All my hope, in living or in dying,

Is the cross of Jesus Christ.

He was betrayed, His friends all turned away,

And I know he felt our grief,

He was forsaken, in His worst moment,

He was alone so we wouldn't have to be.

He can keep his promises,

He can keep His promises,

He can keep His promises,

He's the only one who can.

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