first white man to e - ver land on the Ho - ko Mo - ko Isle, Was
Pad- dy wrote they get my goat with their meals here it's no fun it's
Pat McShane from the ship wrecked Jane with his great big I - rish smile. the
co- coa nuts, and it's co - coa - nuts till I al - most look like one But
na - tives found him gath - ered round him and be - gan to sing, They
oh their dan - ces oh their pran - ces You can take my tip They
took his clothes, put a ring in his nose, and then they crowned him king. he
kick so high that they would - n't pass by the board of cen - sor - ship My
ruled a - while up - on the isle, and then he sent a note to a
I - rish rose, don't pack your clothes be - fore old Cork you leave Ar-rah
girl so grand in Ire - land he wrote won’t you
you can guess, out here they dress like Eve won’t you
come out to the isle of Ho - ko Mo - ko,
see your mum - bo rid - ing on a jum - bo It’s
great to be a king, that’s true, but I’d give my crown for an I - rish stew!
shure they've got me lo - co, in the co - co, My
sweet Col - leen - o, come and be my queen - o,
we’ll get mar - ried on a croc - o - dile. and
for the ring, dear, I sup - pose, We'll use the one that’s in my nose,
on the Ho - ko Mo - ko Isle! Won't you