1 Do you know what it means to miss New Or------leans and
2 moss cov-----ered vines, the tall s u g -- a r Pines, where
3 know what it means to miss New Or------leans when
1 miss it each night and day..... I know I'm not wrong - the
2 mock--ing birds used to sing.....and I'd like to see - the
3 that's where you left your Heart? and there's something more, I
1 fee-------lings get-----ting strong-----er the lon ger I stay a---
2 laz-------zy Mis---sis-------sip---------pi a--------hur-----ry--------in' in to
3 miss the One I care for.......---------- TO ENDING
way_________ Miss the Spring..............The moon light on the
Bayou, a Creole Tune that fills the air............................I dream a....bout mag
nolias in June and soon I'm wish ing I was there. Do you
more than I miss New Or - leans ........................................
Repeat last line at 1/2 tempo
More than I miss New Or - leans....................................................