When you haven't much choice in life about what's said or done
Put your best foot forwards why, it drives you round the bend
Making you're partner happy now, is a work of art
Forget about your troubles, your strife, your pleasures and your fun
Dont you get you tired of the same cry, a life of make do and mend
Doing things, you don't want somehow, you've got to be quite smart
One day you're up, one day your down, one day you're somewhere between - pause
One day its this, one day its that, one day its somewhere between - pause
One day you laugh, one day you cry, one day you're somewhere between - pause
Making the most of what you've got isn't life quite mean (1st chorus)
Making the most of what you've got isn't life quite mean (2nd chorus)
Making the most of what you've got isn't life, isn't life isn't life quite mean (3rd chorus)